Sunday, September 13, 2009

Free Easy Lotion Recipe Do It Yourself!

Make your own lotion or cream, whatever is best for your skin

Creams are thicker than lotions and are better for normal to dry skin.
Before starting, we need to make sure that your work area is clean. Perfectly clean the counters and stovetop area with bleach water. Boil your equipment or wash it really good then wipe it with rubbing alcohol. Make sure to wear plastic gloves when creating your lotions.


Stick blender, Glass or Stainless Steel mixing bowls and pots [do not use aluminum or Teflon coated equipment], small spatula for scraping lotion/cream out of bowls, bottle or jar for your lotion, microwave or stove (I prefer microwave, so much easier and faster), Pyrex measuring cup for microwave or double boiler pots for stove top.

I like to buy my bottles off ebay or since I buy many at the time, but when i need only a couple I get then from walmart or the dollar store, the only thing that they are 4 oz bottles but you can just use two. I like making lotion with different waxes, one of my favorite wax is mango butter, but I also use shea butter, cocoa amongst others. Since we are making an emulsion we need Emulsifying wax, I buy most my ingredients from they have all kinds of waxes, oils and additives for your lotions, I also buy ingredients off Ebay and the The stearic acid makes the lotion a little creamier and adds a soft feeling to it. One of the oil i really recommend is the rose hip seed oil it's properties are amazing and it is not greasy at all. I must add that I have no conection with any of the companies mentioned above, I do not work for them nor i know them, I am just a person that likes to shop around.

If you want your lotion to last longer use preservative, the one i like to use is Germal plus because its paraben free.

Ingredients for 8 oz lotion
  1. 1oz Glycerin
  2. 1 oz Stearic Acid
  3. 1 oz Emulsifying Wax NF or Polawax
  4. 2 oz Sweet Almond or Jojoba Oil or 1 oz of each
  5. 3 oz distilled water
  6. 1/2 teaspoon vitamin E (additive)
  7. 1/2 teaspoon fragrance oil (optional)
  8. 0.5 grams of preservative (powder form)

Measure out first 5 ingredients and put into a 2 cup glass measuring cup. Microwave 2 1/2 minutes or until solid ingredients are melted. Blend with stick blender until fully blended. Add preservative and fragrance oil and blend until incorporated. Pour into an 8 oz container and seal tightly.

Make sure to check comments for additional information on making your own lotion.

1 comment:

  1. If you want to make the lotion with SPF you can add Titanium dioxide and/or Zinc Oxide.
    All you have to do is use these measurements
    1 tsp Titanium Dioxide for an Aprox. SPF of 15 (add an additional 1/2 tsp for an aprox. SPF 30).
    Make sure not to inhale any of the powder.
    You will need to mix the titanium oxide with the glycerine first then add to the rest of the mix.
